Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Bees are a Buzzing around Europe

Lately, it seems, everywhere we go there has been this incredible buzzing noise emanating from every nook and cranny around town. It sounds as if killer bees have invaded us from Africa. In fact, they have. They are in every house, pub, and public space. This invasion I’m talking about is the World Cup. For my American friends out there, the World Cup is the World Soccer Championship. This year it is being held in South Africa and every pub in Europe has the game playing, usually outside. So you can’t really go anywhere without the constant drone of the crowd – thousands of people blowing on horns – like an angry swarm of bees. It is quite deafening just walking around. I can’t imagine what it would be like in person.

On Sunday, Germany played their first game in the series. To say that they were excited is an understatement. American football fans do not have anything on Soccer fans. Every bar was packed to the gills and giant outdoor viewing areas where set up to watch the game.

World Cup Public Viewing Area on the Elbe

Along the Elbe, there is a viewing area with a giant outdoor screen that can hold thousands of people. You can always tell the when someone makes a goal by the deafening roar that rises over the entire town. On Saturday we hung out on the bridge and a local biergarten to watch the crowd. On the river, people were launching balloons, drinking beer and having a good old time in preparation for the big game.

A Little Pre-Game Balloon Launch


 Eine Luftballon

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